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webinar on energy transition technology

17 July 2023, 11 AM – 12 PM ET

View Webinar Recording | View Special Issue


Nowadays, the role of power electronics has shifted from a tool enabling emerging trends to a critical technology for the sustainable development of society. Two main trends support this transition: increased renewable energy generation capacities and electrification of end-use applications, including heating and cooling. Despite a relatively high level of maturity, this field continues active development caused by the emergence of numerous new applications along with the introduction of new wide bandgap semiconductor materials and advancements in the technology of passive electronic components. This webinar provides insight into the most important power electronics-based technologies for energy transition.


  • Frede Blaabjerg (Aalborg University, Denmark)
  • Samir Kouro (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile)
  • Pat Wheeler (University of Nottingham, U.K.)

