The Editor-in-Chief has the highest authority of the publication on all editorial matters and assures that the content follows the approved scope of the publication.
The Proceedings of the IEEE Editorial Board oversees the mission of the Proceedings. All voting members of the Editorial Board must be IEEE Fellows, or IEEE Senior members who have served as recent Guest Editors of an issue of the Proceedings. Board members may be proposed to the PSPB Nominations and Appointments Committee by the Board itself, by the Editor-in-Chief, or by the Managing Editor, and shall be approved by PSPB (per the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) Operations Manual). Suggestions for potential board members can be sent to the Proceedings Editorial Office.
The Proceedings of the IEEE Senior Editors are IEEE Fellows who are highly experienced in their area of expertise. The Senior Editors assist the Editor-in-Chief with the pre-screening process of regular paper submissions to ensure that the journal maintains the highest quality while adhering to the publication policies and procedures of IEEE.