2017 Journal Issues November 1, 2017

Special Issue: Power Electronics in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Systems
Volume 105, Issue 11
November 2017
Guest Editor

Special Issue Papers
By B. K. Bose
This paper reviews the basics of power electronics that include power semiconductor devices and applications of power electronics in energy savings, electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, and grid energy storage. Basic elements of smart grid are also outlined.
By A. Q. Huang
This paper discusses the modern power semiconductor devices with emphasis on wide bandgap devices for applications in smart grid and renewable energy systems.
By H. Akagi
This paper reviews different types of high-voltage and medium-voltage multilevel high power converters which are used in smart grid and renewable energy systems that include variable frequency motor drives.
By J. I. Leon, S. Vazquez, and L. G. Franquelo
This paper reviews different types of multilevel converters used in industrial applications. The modulation and control methods to achieve high-performance operation are also discussed.
By M. Barnes, D. Van Hertem, S. P. Teeuwsen, and M. Callavik
This paper reviews both classical thyristor-based phase-controlled converters and modern IGBT-based voltage–source converters in HVDC systems illustrat- ing their applications around the world.
By F. Z. Peng
This paper provides comprehensive review of modern FACTS technology and its applications in smart grid and AC distribution systems.
By F. Blaabjerg and K. Ma
This paper reviews application of power electronics in wind energy systems.
By M. Malinowski, J. I. Leon, and H. Abu-Rub
This paper reviews solar photovoltaic systems with solar cells and different topologies of power conversion systems.
By A. von Jouanne and T. K. A. Brekken
This paper discusses different forms of ocean energy along with land-based ocean energy. The comparative costs and grid interface issues are discussed.
By J.-S. Lai and M. W. Ellis
This paper discusses basic characteristics of fuel cell system, different types of fuel cells, and their applications in transportation and stationary distributed generation systems.
By M. G. Molina
This paper makes comprehensive analysis of major electrical energy storage systems and their power electronic interface for smart grid applications.
By A. Chakrabortty and A. Bose
This paper reviews both state-of-the-art and future implementation strategies for modeling and simulation of smart grid system.
By T. Samad and A. M. Annaswamy
This paper reviews how control is enabling smart grid applications that include load control, automated demand response, wide-area control, and market-centric control.
By B. K. Bose
This paper gives some novel application examples of AI to smart grid and renewable energy systems.
By H. J. Trussell and V. Damle