2021 Journal Issues June 12, 2021

Guest Editors

Special Issue Papers
By M. Ehsani and C. C. Mi
By M. Ehsani, K. V. Singh, H. O. Bansal, and R. T. Mehrjardi
This article provides insight into the current challenges and breakthroughs in the field of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs).
By S. Li, S. Lu, and C. C. Mi
This article reviews wide bandgap devices (WBGs) and their impact on the development of electric vehicle charging equipment.
By C. Liu, K. T. Chau, C. H. T. Lee, and Z. Song
This article reviews advanced electric machines and their corresponding control strategies, particularly for electric vehicle (EV) applications.
By Y. Zhang, R. T. Nguyen, and B. Liaw
This article provides a critical review of current rechargeable lithium battery design, development, manufacturing, and deployment in the supply chain.
By I. Husain, B. Ozpineci, Md S. Islam, E. Gurpinar, G.-J. Su, W. Yu, S. Chowdhury, L. Xue, D. Rahman, and R. Sahu
This article covers the state of the art and emerging concepts in electric drivetrain technologies used to facilitate the transition to electric road transport technologies.
By F. Blaabjerg, H. Wang, I. Vernica, B. Liu, and P. Davari
This article focuses on the power electronic systems reliability in electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid EVs (HEVs) where both their reliability requirements and challenges are highlighted for the used power electronics technology.
By M. Abul Masrur
This article presents the current status of hybrid and electric vehicle (HEV/EV) technology, with an emphasis on the issue related to decision making process before the HEV/EV technology is introduced for any particular situation.
By T. Rudolf, T. Schürmann, S. Schwab, and S. Hohmann
This article provides a thorough review of energy management strategies (EMSs) and related methodologies for heavy-duty fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles (FCHEVs).
By P. Wheeler, T. S. Sirimanna, S. Bozhko, and K. S. Haran
This article discusses electric/hybrid-electric aircraft propulsion systems, their technological requirements, and the ongoing research and development in motors and drives necessary to make this technological change a feasible option for the future of passenger flight.
By S. Nazari, F. Borrelli, and A. Stefanopoulou
This article focuses on different vehicle-to-building (V2B) application ideas and reviews energy management methods in smart buildings with V2B integration.
Point of View
By X. Oriols and D. K. Ferry