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proceedings of the ieee cover jul 2020
proceedings of the ieee cover jul 2020

Special Issue: Self-Awareness for Autonomous Systems

Volume 108, Issue 7

July 2020

Guest Editors

Guest Editors: Nikil Dutt, Carlo S. Regazzoni, Bernhard Rinner, and Xin Yao

Special Issue Papers

By Nikil Dutt, Carlo S. Regazzoni, Bernhard Rinner, and Xin Yao

By Andrea A. Chiba and Jeffrey L. Krichmar

This article outlines the neurobiological principles for living organisms that inspire self-awareness in engineered systems, using adaptive, self-monitoring robots as an exemplar for an engineered self-aware system.

By Carlo S. Regazzoni, Lucio Marcenaro, Damian Campo, and Bernhard Rinner

This article provides a Bayesian multisensor signal processing framework allowing an autonomous system to perform self-supervised estimation of self-awareness models by using proprioceptive and exteroceptive dynamic descriptions of its own experiences.

By Louise A. Dennis and Michael Fisher

This article provides an overview not only of how one can construct self-aware autonomous systems, but also of how one can potentially have verifiable, self-aware behavior.

By Henry Hoffmann, Axel Jantsch, and Nikil D. Dutt

This article addresses self-awareness in the context of computing platforms embodied in a physical environment, using illustrative case studies in health-monitoring, systems-on-chip, control systems, and industrial production systems.

By Zidong Du, Qi Guo, Yongwei Zhao, Tian Zhi, Yunji Chen, and Zhiwei Xu

This article reviews advances in self-aware neural networks and presents a case study of a neural network system that deploys self-awareness to adapt to varying demands in performance and energy.

By André Bauer, Marwin Züfle, Nikolas Herbst, Albin Zehe, Andreas Hotho, and Samuel Kounev

This article overviews methods for time series forecasting as an important pillar for decision making in self-aware systems. It further discusses feature engineering techniques and assesses a data-center resource management case study

By Tao Chen, Rami Bahsoon, and Xin Yao

This article presents a foundation, a principled methodology, and case studies for synergizing human expertise with architectural design patterns for engineering self-aware and self-adaptive software systems.

By Alexander Schmidt, Heinrich W. Löllmann, and Walter Kellermann

This article provides an overview of acoustic self-awareness signal processing techniques. The role of ego-noise representation and processing in autonomous systems is highlighted, and application case studies are presented.

By Erol Gelenbe, Joanna Domanska, Piotr Fröhlich, Mateusz P. Nowak, and Sławomir Nowak

In this article, self-awareness in networking is discussed. Examples of advantages of self-aware networks with respect to quality of service, energy, and security are presented.

By Siwei Zhang, Robert Pöhlmann, Thomas Wiedemann, Armin Dammann, Henk Wymeersch, and Peter Adam Hoeher

This article presents methods for incorporating self-awareness into a swarm navigation system through a case study.

By Sanjoy Baruah, Peter Lee, Prakash Sarathy, and Marilyn Wolf

This article provides an industrial perspective on self-aware autonomous navigation systems, with a focus on critical features required to achieve resilience and behavioral assurance for mission-critical applications spanning air, ground, marine, underwater, and space systems.
