Aalto University, Finland
Brief info
Visa Koivunen (IEEE Fellow, EURASIP Fellow) received his D.Sc. (EE) degree with honors from the University of Oulu, Finland. From 1992 to 1995 he was a visiting researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. Since 1999 he has been a full Professor of Signal Processing at Aalto University (formerly Helsinki UT), Finland and is currently Aalto Distinguished Professor. He received the Academy of Finland Distinguished professor position in 2010. Years 2003-2006 he was adjunct full professor at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. He has spent two full sabbaticals and multiple mini-sabbaticals at Princeton University. He has also been Visiting Fellow at Nokia Research Center (2006-2012). His research interest include statistical, wireless communications, radar, sensor array and multichannel signal processing, machine learning and data science.
He has co-authored multiple papers receiving the best paper award in IEEE and other conferences. He was awarded the IEEE SP Society best paper award for the year 2007 (with J. Eriksson) and 2017 (w Zoubir, Muma and Chakhchouk). He served in editorial boards for multiple IEEE SP Society journals and in various SP and AES society committees. He was awarded the 2015 EURASIP Technical Achievement Award for fundamental contributions to statistical signal processing and its applications in wireless communications, radar and related fields.