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Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Brief info

Adrian M. Ionescu is a Full Professor at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He received the BS & MS in Electronics and Telecommunications in 1989 from University ‘Politehnica’ Bucharest, Romania. He holds two PhDs: in Microelectronics, from UPB (1994) and in Physics of semiconductors from National Polytechnic Institute Grenoble (1997). He is director of Nanoelectronic Devices Laboratory of EPFL, Switzerland. His group pioneered steep slope devices, novel sensors and MEMS resonators for energy efficient Edge AI applications. Currently he is focusing the research on neuromorphic technologies for Internet of Things, as part of a new ERC Synergy grant, and, on scalable silicon qubits, as part of the Swiss National Competence Center in Research, SPIN. He published more than 600 articles. He is recipient of IBM Faculty Award 2013 and of André Blondel Medal 2009. In 2015 he was elected member of Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences. He received an ERC Awardee (2015). He received the EDL IEEE George Smith Award in 2017. He received the 2024 Cledo Brunetti IEEE Technical Field Award for leadership and contributions to the field of energy efficient steep slope devices and technologies. He is an IEEE Fellow and he served as Editor of IEEE TED and as member of PUB committee of EDS.

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