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proceedings of the ieee cover sep 2021
proceedings of the ieee cover sep 2021

Special Issue: Open Media Compression: Overview, Design Criteria, and Outlook on Emerging Standards

Volume 109, Issue 9

September 2021

Guest Editors

Guest Editors: Christian Timmerer, Mathias Wien, Lu Yu, and Amy Reibman

Special Section Papers

By C. Timmerer, M. Wien, L. Yu, and A. Reibman

By J. Han et al.

This article provides insight into the AOMedia Video 1 (AV1) video compression format. It includes a technical overview of the AV1 codec design as well as a performance evaluation that compares AV1 to its predecessor VP9.

By B. Bross et al.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of video coding standards jointly developed by ISO/IEC and ITU-T considering both highefficiency video coding (HEVC) and versatile video coding (VVC).

By D. Ding et al.

This article targets video coding improvements for both individual blocks of the hybrid video encoder and jointly across multiple blocks including end-to-end approaches. It reviews various modules in video coding that could benefit from neural networks and provides case studies for each of these modules.

By J. M. Boyce et al.

Immersive volumetric content, which can be captured by multiple cameras, enables six degrees of freedom (6DoF) for the end users. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the MPEG Immersive Video (MIV) codec as well as a description of reference software assets including experimental results.

By C. Cao et al.

This article provides a comprehensive survey of the compression for static as well as dynamic point cloud objects, and point cloud compression using deep learning methods. The adopted coding tools for MPEG’s recent standards for video-based point cloud compression and geometry-based point cloud compression are described in detail, and evaluation results are presented as well.

By A. Descampe et al.

This article provides a broad introduction to JPEG XS including use cases, key features, and comparison with other image codecs, and a technical overview. It concludes with performance evaluations and status of the standardization process as well as upcoming extensions.

By S. R. Quackenbush and J. Herre

This article surveys MPEG-H Audio (universal immersive audio coding) and MPEG-I Immersive Audio (compressed representation for virtual and augmented reality). The article focuses on the differences from other standards as well as the requirements and development process of an MPEG-I 6DoF immersive audio standard.

By M. M. Hannuksela and Y.-K. Wang

The OMAF standard is arguably the first virtual reality (VR) system standard that includes support for 360◦ video (among others). This article introduces the end-to-end OMAF architecture from content authoring to the player and highlights representation formats of omnidirectional video and images.

By J. Voges, M. Hernaez, M. Mattavelli, and J. Ostermann

The amount of data generated by genomic sequencing machines necessitates the development of an efficient representation format. The article provides an overview of the MPEG-G standard focusing on its core, i.e., the coding of genomic information.
