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The Scanning Our Past feature explores the history of technology and the people associated with it. Since papers in the Proceedings are read largely by engineers and technologists, historical papers should be accessible to technical professionals seeking social, political, economic, cultural, or technical contexts for the causes, processes, or consequences of technological change.

Submission Guidelines

  • Scanning Our Past articles are usually between 4,000 to 8,000 words long.
  • Illustrations, graphics and images are welcome. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing illustrations, graphics, and images.
  • Authors can use either MS-Word or LaTeX for preparing the paper. For review purposes, a MS-Word or a PDF file is required.
  • Articles should be submitted to ScholarOne Manuscripts. Select “Scanning Our Past” under Manuscript Type. Select “Proceedings of the IEEE Editorial Office: Scanning Our Past” under Issue Entry Header.