2020 Journal Issues October 1, 2020
Guest Editor
Guest Editor: Andrea Alù
Special Section Papers
By V. S. Asadchy, M. S. Mirmoosa, A. Díaz-Rubio, S. Fan, and S. A. Tretyakov
This article reviews the long history of research on electromagnetic nonreciprocity, its origins, and its implications. It aims to put into context the recent advances and progress in this area of research, and straighten up erroneous claims on what nonreciprocity actually implies.
By A. Kord, D. L. Sounas, and A. Alù
This article reviews the various available approaches to nonreciprocity available for microwave technologies, from magnetic bias to temporal modulations and nonlinearities, discussing the advantages and draw- backs of each approach in terms of various metrics of performance, and providing a promising outlook for magnet-free nonreciprocal technology at microwave frequencies.
By I. A. D. Williamson, M. Minkov, A. Dutt, J. Wang, A. Y. Song, and S. Fan
This article reviews the use of time modulation to break reciprocity in photonic devices, their various implementations, and potential opportunities for photonic technology.
Regular Papers
By R. Minerva, G. M. Lee, and N. Crespi
This survey covers state-of-the-art approaches and discusses major technologies that have contributed to the field of Digital Twin.
By G. Lin, S. Wen, Q.-L. Han, J. Zhang, and Y. Xiang
The survey provides a state-of-the-art treatment of deep-learning-/neural-network-based approaches for detecting software vulnera- bilities and identifies challenges in this field.
Scanning Our Past
By J. Hecht