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proceedings of the ieee cover jun 2019
proceedings of the ieee cover jun 2019

Special Issue: Real–Time Networks and Protocols for Factory Automation and Process Control Systems

Volume 107, Issue 6

June 2019

Guest Editors

Special Issue Papers

By S. Vitturi, T. Sauter, and Z. Pang

By S. Vitturi, C. Zunino, and T. Sauter

This paper presents a comprehensive state of the art of industrial networks, and addresses new perspectives and trends for future directions of research.

By M. Felser, M. Rentschler, and O. Kleineberg

This paper takes into consideration the standards concerned with networks of the operation technology (OT) and investigates the coexistence with those of the information technology (IT).

By I. Álvarez, A. Ballesteros, M. Barranco, D. Gessner, S. Djerasevic, and J. Proenza

This paper addresses reliability in distributed real-time control systems, and presents a survey of fault tolerance mechanisms to make Ethernet-based industrial networks reliable.

By N. Kerö, A. Puhm, T. Kernen, and A. Mroczkowski

This paper deals with synchronization aspects of distributed nodes connected to industrial networks, specifically, real-time Ethernet networks.

By F. Tramarin, A. K. Mok, and S. Han

This paper is concerned with the deployment of the IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN for time-critical distributed applications, such as networked control systems.

By W. Liang, M. Zheng, J. Zhang, H. Shi, H. Yu, Y. Yang, S. Liu, W. Yang, and X. Zhao

This paper introduces the Wireless networks for Industrial Automation–Factory Automation (WIA-FA), recently approved by the International Electrotechnical Commission, for real-time industrial communication.

By M. Luvisotto, Z. Pang, and D. Dzung

This paper describes the design and the first feasibility tests of a new generation of real-time industrial wireless networks, able to achieve performance figures in the same order of magnitude of the wired counterparts.

By L. Lo Bello and W. Steiner

This paper addresses the time-sensitive networking and provides an overview of its introduction in the industrial communication scenario, along with an analysis of the future directions of research.

By D. Bruckner, M.-P. Stănică , R. Blair, S. Schriegel, S. Kehrer, M. Seewald, and T. Sauter

This paper is concerned with the adoption of OPC UA TSN for real-time industrial communication. This new protocol architecture could become the solution for establishing a unified communication, from the sensor to the cloud.

By D. Cavalcanti, J. Perez-Ramirez, M. M. Rashid, J. Fang, M. Galeev, and K. B. Stanton

This paper investigates the use of TSN on wireless systems for real-time industrial communication. Specifically, it addresses next-generation wireless standards such as IEEE 802.11ax and 5G cellular systems.

By X. Vilajosana, T. Watteyne, M. Vučinić , T. Chang, and K. S. J. Pister

This paper focuses on the standardization activity of the IETF, to integrate IPv6 on industrial wireless networks, as a decisive step toward the implementation of IIoT systems.

By Y. Liu, M. Kashef, K. B. Lee, L. Benmohamed, and R. Candell

This paper introduces a reference framework for the design of wireless systems in the context of IIoT applications. It makes use of some practical examples to address the feasibility of the proposed system.

By G. Wang, M. Nixon, and M. Boudreaux

This paper presents a new architecture for networks deployed in process control systems, which includes device and process characteristics. The architecture, which is based on an IIoT system, allows to perform fault detection and prediction.

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